Friday 2 May 2008

Stop the campaign of conspiracy theory

As the title says. Rumour is running rampant. 

I am not concerned with pet theories nor political insinuations. My priority is my father. 

We have the truth on our side. We have the facts. And we know my father is innocent. That is my campaign. Not to spread further rumours nor hate. 

May the truth prevail and may justice be the only judge. Not politics or gossip. 

Thank you. 

This blog is a personal one that I share with my friends and family. This is not a place for rumour nor negativity. 



Michelle Yoon said...


I can't say that I can understand totally what you are experiencing at this time, but I do feel that you are strong. Stronger than a lot of other people should they be faced with what you and your family are put through.

If it means anything, I hope for a free and just trial too. May justice prevail.

myenvelope said...

I don't know what you meant by conspiracy theory, but justice in Malaysia being politicised is a fact.

Donplaypuks® said...

Dear Rowena

My heart goes out to you and you family members. I truly sympathise and empathise with you in this predicament arising from your father's Trial.

I believe in the rule of law and that a person is innocent until proven guilty. I do not agree with a system where a person has to spend 1 year in prison while fighting a murder case.

The problem (rot) today in our courts and the judicial and police system go back to the Salleh Abas sacking in 1988 and the treatment meted out to Anwar Ibrahim. Anwar was tried and convicted by Dr.M and the BN controlled media, before the case even reached the courts. BN Ministers then did not stand up for the rule of law and human rights.

So, what you are seeing today, the backlash of public opinion, is a kind of 'revenge' against the BN leadership for their past actions.

It is unfair to your father.

However, you dad must ask himself how much of his debacle was brought on by his mingling too intimately with the powers-that-be.

Take courage that no one (who is fair-minded) will look down upon you, your mother or siblings, whatever the outcome of the Trial.

Have faith and God will see you and your family through this ordeal.

MariahHusain said...

Dear Rowena

Many things are beyond our control. One of them is of course the attitude of the public and our surrounding. I agree with you about the negativity of the public, but you must remember that there still exist a large number of fair thinking individuals.

I, myself, am not sure whether your dad is innocent or guilty, and I am not sure whether the outcome of the trial would tell me the truth either.

Whatever the outcome of the trial, please remain strong. As a muslim, we have to remember that we believe in life after death. The world is just a short sleep compared to the eternity in the hereafter. If your dad is innocent but found guilty in the trial, he will be aptly rewarded in the hereafter and that is what we should be aiming after. Instead, the real murderer would not escape god's judgment.

ikanbilis said...

i stumbled upon your blog white browsing around about your Dad's case.

i hope for things to be settled soon, so you and your family would finally be in peace without all the hoo-haas.

hopefully the truth will be revealed.

joshua said...

Everyone will be judged. If not now, then afterlife.

Unknown said...

Whether your father is innocent or not, I'm sad for you've become one of the victims.

me said...


Noticed your title image of Tsarist Russia and surmised that your reference to Finland Stn. has got something to do with Lenin being smuggled in by the Germans.

I noticed parallels and perhaps these are only my perception. How did the anti-Tsarist feelings, running on a good dose of rumour-mongering, become so infectious and snowballed into what it is?

The answer, in my mind, is Tsarist oppression and suppression of information.

Where information is hard to come by and official organs monopolise its dissemination, the free market will begin to work in which alternative sources of information will rise in value.

Internet rumour-mongering in Malaysia may seem to be entirely the fault of those who perpetrate it to some, but it remains the fact that they are patronised in big numbers because other avenues of information are unabashedly controlled by the ruling party.

Thus, if you would like to blame it on conspiracy theories, do not forget the environment in which they thrive in was a product of state policies. Your father, if truly a victim, is as much a victim of the state as anything.


me said...


I realise, of course, that my previous comments contained precisely the political aspects that you do not wish to taint the judicial process.

But such are the vagaries of life.


Hakim Adil said...

Hi Rowena,

I am sorry but I think you sound a bit arrogrant in the word "Wake Up"

I think you should wake up to the fact that all this farce is like a chess game.

You should also wake up to the fact that your dad is not the highest ranking officer in Malaysia, your dad has DPM and PM and other Ministers above him.

You should also wake up to the fact that like the game of chess, smaller pieces like pawns, knights, bishops, rooks and queens are sacrificed to protect the King.

So in this case, whether your dad is innocent or otherwise, your dad will be sacificed to protect those whose ranking is higher than him. A mongolian has died. Surely someone must have killed her. So, who is it ? Maybe you can let us know ?

You must also wake up to the fact that in this case, a Mongolian lady has died. She also has children. And her children are in worse situation than you. You should also wake up to the fact that their lives is worth no less and no more than yours.

If you think you are a victim, don't you think the Altantuya and her families are victims too ? I saw the conduct of your family outside the court, especially your mum screaming at them. Isn't that arrogrant ? What makes you all think you are all higher class than the Mongolian family. Even if you think she is a prostitute, she has as much right to live in this world as you, no more no less. All human beings are born equal in this world irrespective of whether they are rich or poor.

Your dad has chosen the path to be involved in the chess game. He has to live by the rules of the game.

Like all heroes do, they "Live by the sword and die by the sword".

Whatever it is, be strong and most importantly be humble. Whatever happens, we as Muslims must accept that all these adalah kehendak Allah and we shall not question His wisdom.

I wish you all the best.

Take care.

ccdev said...

Rowena, forgive my words. I sympathize with you, you did not ask for this grief but from the Perimekar-KS Ombak Laut Sdn Bhd news angle, then it may seem that your dad had made deals with the devil (masquerading as a friend), and now the devil may be claiming his due.

"May the truth prevail and may justice be the only judge" sounds good, but in the context of a malaysian reality..... You don't deserve what you are going thru now, maybe in truth neither does your dad but how many honest, truthful and decent malaysians have paid the price for the systematic abuse of the system by the powers-that-be (u know who i am talking about); the supposed "protectors and leaders of society", who are in fact nothing more than parasites, whores and lepers. They justify their actions with some wobbly 'defence of race or religion' argument, while on the sly they feast on the wealth and spirit of this country.

Now you see systematic corruption and abuse of power in every social, economic and political fabric of our country. Thanks that ass-hole Mahathir for his 22 years of rule which provided a "foundation" of excess, coupled with lack of responsibility and accountability to the rakyat, destruction of the judicairy etc. We both know that power lies not in the hands of the rakyat, but in the hands of an elite few within the government.The rakyat's view is usually negated by some patriarch-like comment, and the rakyat's money is used n treated like their private bank account. To them,We, the rakyat are mere ants,and your father, maybe just another pawn on their chessboard of power.

Did you vote for BN in the recent elections? What do they stand for exactly? You speak of truth, justice and innocence. I don't think they stand for that at all, i really dont. I wish you strength in these testing times, and in spite of my pessimism, hope that like you, truth and justice will prevail.

tahayaro said...


Be strong. Always seek guidance from the Almighty ALLAH. Allah will always listen and granted the prayers of his follower who feel that he is being framed. If you believe that your dad is in that situation, than pray for him without failed. You will be rewarded accordingly and the culprits will get their pay.

Unknown said...

I sympathetise with your father's prdicament and moreso for you.However your dad did committed a mortal sin by having an affair with Alantuya.

I know that the DPM had dinner with your dad and Alantuya as I saw them.Why is the DPM,Najib lying and why does'nt yor dad just tell the truth about Najib Razak.Your dad is facing the death penalty,why cover for the DPM !!.The truth will ecentually come out so why prolong the agony !!

TingkatEmpat said...

I symphatize with her because she is still in state of denial.

sinnersaint:saintsinner said...

Kahlo huh

Alright - then wage the war for TRUTH, she did or did she ke ke ke

fariz said...

tingkatempat I sympathise with you because you're in a state of stupity. You dick.