Sunday 28 October 2007

Reference and footnotes of glory

I've been working at a near fever pace to finish as many essays as possible. Successful? Not terribly. Oh well. The dilemma of a historian.

I'm thinking seriously of becoming a professional historian/archaeologist (have I even spelt that correctly?). I remember talking to Soon Tzu about it. Me. Blue cotton short, linen shorts, red handkerchief tied around my neck, blue shades, in some desert (or dare I say underwater in the Alexandria Bay?). Live in some apartment in a square in Marakkesh. Very tempting...

Hey someone's birthday's coming up! I wonnndeerrrr who eh Trish? (this brings your name count to a glittering 2)

Tuesday 23 October 2007

Time is in the oven, baking,

Has it already been almost 3 weeks at SOAS?

I like it here. I can't wait to be here with everyone. :)

Warmest greetings to you all.

Monday 22 October 2007

Watch this site Trish!

And be stunned with its magnificence.

Saturday 20 October 2007

"Let Rome and Tiber melt for this is my space"

Dear friends,

You must forgive me for this most overdue post. I have been busy settling down and have had no proper internet access. But here I am, my dears.

It's history fever now.

How are you?