Sunday 28 October 2007

Reference and footnotes of glory

I've been working at a near fever pace to finish as many essays as possible. Successful? Not terribly. Oh well. The dilemma of a historian.

I'm thinking seriously of becoming a professional historian/archaeologist (have I even spelt that correctly?). I remember talking to Soon Tzu about it. Me. Blue cotton short, linen shorts, red handkerchief tied around my neck, blue shades, in some desert (or dare I say underwater in the Alexandria Bay?). Live in some apartment in a square in Marakkesh. Very tempting...

Hey someone's birthday's coming up! I wonnndeerrrr who eh Trish? (this brings your name count to a glittering 2)


Adline Writes said...

You're the perfect historian & archeologist (did I spell that right?) in the making! You're so gonna bloom out of control @ SOAS. I look forward to the books you're going to publish! Muahs...

Adline Writes said... :)