Friday 25 April 2008

Like they do in the movies...

I'm talking to you Humphrey, I'm thinking of you Ingrid,
I've always wanted to eat Chinese from a white box,
I've dreamt of using a hairclip to pick locks.
I know for a fact: Germans are known as Hans and Siegfried.

Could life be like the movies?
Where we fly to New York at 3 o clock.
That we could pull of a red sock
With blue shoes and pink hair
That we could be pretty and fair.

Can we meet on the top of the empire state building,
Where we'll meet just in time and have that happy ending.
Life could be fun definitely.
And we could live decently.
Well more than decently.
More like, fantastically!

Can we live like they do in the movies,
Where our speech is rehearsed and we move on cues.
Where we live in dreams and never get hurt.
Where we are never rude, evil or curt.
Where every disease had cures.
Not just one but two,three and four.
Where love was a never ending galore.