Sunday 15 February 2009

Love, the day after.

Love is a Dali painting with no pain.
Love is waiting in the light rain
and wondering if you'd show up.
Love is a Special Edition DVD Eddie Izzard boxset,
Watching it with chips - not caring about becoming fat.

Love, as I can tell, is a kind of state of mind
where you have no idea if you're in pause or rewind.
And your head's in the air and the only way is up, up.
Love is a half-read book with pencil'd notes
at the side. Receipts crumpled in the pocket of my coat.

Love is buying flowers at half the price.
Love is the taste of sugary spice.
It is the feeling of hearts mixing into a homemade cocktail
(or rather mocktail).
It is when you stop believing in such a thing as love songs.
Only to be proven wrong.

Basically. Love is the simple appreciation of the things around you
and making much of the few.